• +65 6747 4414
  • admin@bespokestc.com.sg

Key terms and conditions for companies / learners registering for Bespoke STC's courses and eligibility for SSG funding / grants

For Company-sponsored trainees and Self-sponsored Individuals:
• Company / Individual is to submit complete and accurate particulars of trainees at least 3 working days before commencement of the course. This includes each trainee's unique email address and unique mobile phone number. Please contact Bespoke STC for the registration form.
• SSG funding / grant is only applicable to Singaporeans & Singapore Permanent Residents, and is subject to approval by SSG. To be eligible for SSG funding / grant, all sponsoring companies must contribute CPF to local trainees for the month of course attended, to show employer-employee relationship. There is no SSG funding / grant for foreign trainees.
• Company / Individual shall be billed the nett fees after SSG funding / grant, with GST based on full course fees. Bespoke STC shall follow the grant amount shown by SSG’s Training Partners Gateway Grant Calculator for each eligible trainee.
• For Individual: Full payment of nett fee must be made before the class or at the start of the class, as per SSG’s requirement.
• For Company: Full payment of nett fee must be made within 7 days after course completion. However, Bespoke STC reserves the right to request for upfront payment before course start date, if needed.
• Company / Individual shall be liable to pay full course fees to Bespoke STC, should SSG not disburse any funding due to your non-fulfilment of SSG requirements.
• Payment for Company-sponsored trainees must be from the Company’s corporate bank account.

Payment modes :
1.PayNow to UEN No.:201204263N
2.Bank transfer: Account No.: 588-103861-001
Bank: OCBC
Bank Code: 7339
3. Cheque payable to: Bespoke Solution Training Consultancy Pte. Ltd.
Please send screenshot of payment to admin@bespokestc.com.sg.

Note :
• Trainees must complete at least 75% attendance of the training and pass the assessment to be eligible for SSG funding / grants. Otherwise, there will be no SSG funding / grant and sponsoring companies / individual trainees must pay course fees in full to Bespoke STC.
• Trainees must have SingPass account & password and bring along their mobile phones for digital attendance taking for the morning, afternoon and assessment sessions according to the attendance list.
• Trainees must be properly attired to carry out the cleaning activities required as part of the course.
• Trainees must bring along ID card for verification of identity.
• Trainees are encouraged to complete Training Quality and Outcomes Measurement (TRAQOM) surveys sent to their personal emails at the end of the course and half a year after the course.
• If applicable: For absentee payroll claims, after the course completion, employer is to log in to SSG portal to declare trainee(s) salary-related details. https://www.gobusiness.gov.sg/enterprisejobskills/digital-services/

NEA Cleaning Business Licence

What is NEA Cleaning Business Licence?

With effect from 1 April 2014, all general cleaning businesses in Singapore, even if these services form only part of their overall business, will have to be licensed before 1 September 2014.

Under NEA’s Cleaning Business Licence conditions, it is mandatory for cleaning staff (employed for 3 months or more as at the date of application) to attend WSQ cleaning courses under the Environmental Services Framework.

Please refer to NEA’s website for the updated training requirements: Cleaning Business Licence

Enhanced Clean Mark Accreditation

The NEA Clean Mark Accreditation Scheme (previously known as Voluntary Accreditation Scheme) was launched on 21 July 2010. The scheme was jointly developed by NEA, MOM, WDA and NTUC’s e2i, in consultation with industry representatives and Unions. It recognises companies that deliver high standards of cleaning through the training of workers, use of equipment to improve work processes, and fair employment practices. Since its first launch, the scheme has been revised after taking into consideration industry's feedback. The Clean Mark Accreditation Scheme has been enhanced in October 2012 to raise the overall standards and professionalism of the cleaning industry through better employment practices and productivity initiatives, together with a new accreditation requirement on progressive wages. The enhanced scheme is termed as “The Enhanced Clean Mark Accreditation Scheme”.

NEA has streamlined the business processes of the Enhanced Clean Mark Accreditation Scheme (EAS) and the Cleaning Business Licence. From February 2015, cleaning businesses need to submit only one application for both the Cleaning Business Licence and EAS.

Please refer to NEA’s website for the updated training requirements: NEA Enhanced Clean Mark Accreditation


I have taken courses with Bespoke STC and passed the assessments. How do I retrieve my e-Certificates after the courses?

Trainees who are Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents can log in to MySkillsFuture Portal at www.myskillsfuture.gov.sg with your SingPass to download your WSQ e-Certificates (“e-Certs”), which include Statements of Attainment for each course or Full Qualifications such as “Certificate in Environmental Services”. The e-Certs can be found in the Skills Passport folder, ‘Certificates’ tab. There are also SSG notifications informing you that your e-Certs are ready for downloading. All trainees, including foreigners without SingPass, may request for your WSQ e-Certs from us. Terms and conditions apply.


What is refund policy?

Participants who wish to obtain a refund are to contact Bespoke STC for a Refund Request Form. The form is to be filled up and submitted to Bespoke STC via mail, email or in person.

A refund request does not guarantee that a refund will be made. All requests will be reviewed by Bespoke STC to determine if a refund is due.

Trainees who wish to withdraw from the course will be charged cancellation fees as follows:

More than 10 working days before commencement of class Full refund of fees collected
4-10 working days before commencement of class Refund of course fees collected, with an admin charge of S$53.50(incl. GST)
3 or less working days before commencement of class No refund of fees collected
Bespoke STC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the class. All efforts will be made to inform clients/trainees the soonest possible.

All requests for refunds will be processed and the outcome made known (i.e. if the request is rejected or if refund is to be made) within 2 weeks from the date the request form was received.