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Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ)
Environmental Services

WSQ Environmental Services Courses

Environmental Services Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) is designed to help workers improve their employability and progress in their careers within the cleaning industry. This framework caters to the training of cleaning Crew, Stewards and Supervisors.

Benefits of the WSQ Environmental Services


  • Helps to equip employees of the Organisation to be skilled and more productive
  • Helps to align staff behaviour with Organisational strategies and values
  • Helps Organisation to adapt to changes
  • Helps to stay competitive as Organisational efficiency is increased
  • Supports the performance management system
  • Enjoys support for implementation of the framework
  • Organisation will be able to achieve training criteria required for NEA Licensing and Enhanced Clean Mark Accreditation Scheme


  • Equips individual with skills that are applicable to daily work
  • Helps individual gains confidence at work as the progress of WSQ training programs
  • Helps individual gains more opportunities for career advancement
  • Helps individual plans own career paths and achieve career goals
  • Helps individual to upgrade skills at specific competencies
  • Provides individual with programs that are certified by the SSG
  • Enhances the employability of individual

The following WSQ Approved Courses in Environmental Services Skills Framework are now open for registration.

Workplace Safety and Health Practices Implementation (WSH L1)

Workplace Safety and Health Practices Implementation (WSH L1)

NEA-accepted Mandatory WSH Module for Cleaners (Level 1) under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.

S$190.75 (incl. 9% GST)

Workplace Safety and Health Practices Implementation (WSH L1)

Workplace Safety and Health Practices Implementation (Level 1) AOP

NEA-accepted Mandatory WSH Module for Cleaners (Level 1) under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.
Assessment-Only-Pathway mode
S$125.35 (incl. 9% GST)

Customer Management (PQS L1)

Customer Management (PQS L1)

NEA-accepted Core Module for Cleaners (Level 1) under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.

S$196.20 (incl. 9% GST)

Customer Management (PQS L1)

Customer Management (Level 1) AOP

NEA-accepted Core Module for Cleaners (Level 1) under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.
Assessment-Only-Pathway mode
S$125.35 (incl. 9% GST)

Effectiveness Management (DCMP L3)

Horizontal Surface Maintenance (CHF L1)

NEA-accepted Core Module for Cleaners (Level 1) under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.

S$381.50 (incl. 9% GST)

Effectiveness Management (DCMP L3)

Horizontal Surface Maintenance (Level 1) AOP

NEA-accepted Core Module for Cleaners (Level 1) under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.
Assessment-Only-Pathway mode
S$125.35 (incl. 9% GST)

Washroom Maintenance (CW L1)

NEA-accepted Core Module for Cleaners (Level 1) under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.

S$414.20 (incl. 9% GST)

Furniture and Furnishing Maintenance (CFF L1)

NEA-accepted Core Module for Cleaners (Level 1) under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.

S$381.50 (incl. 9% GST)

Effectiveness Management (DCMP L3)

Effectiveness Management (DCMP L3)

NEA-accepted Core Module for Supervisors under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.

S$436.00 (incl. 9% GST)

Customer Management (SSO L3)

Customer Management (SSO L3)

NEA-accepted Core Module for Supervisors under Enhanced Training Requirement for Cleaning Business Licence.

S$457.80 (incl. 9% GST)